Annual Report 2023
(Jan 2023 to Dec 2023)
Basava Residential Girls School was established in the year 1993, by the Basava Samithi Trust under the leadership of Dr. B.D. Jatti, former Vice-President of India as well as former Chief Minister of Karnataka & former Governor of Orissa and Pondicherry. In the year 2020, KLE Society headed by the Chairman, Dr. Prabhakar Kore, took over Basava Residential Girls School. The School is affiliated to the Karnataka State board curriculum. The school consists of 4 wings i.e., Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary level. The overall strength of the Girls school is 450. The staff strength is 40.
The school curriculum includes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The school has experienced teachers with professional credentials, who have undertaken various workshops in all the subjects / topics as required by the board. The school provides the best infrastructure facilities to the students to be on par with the present requirements. Well-equipped laboratories are meant for Science and Computer subjects. Library books accessible to students and teachers for reference or borrowing.
With immense pride we mention that we have attained 100% results during the academic year 2022-2023 in PUC & SSLC board exams. On the occasion of the 111th Founders day celebration of Shri.B.D. Jatti Sir, organized by Basava Samithi, Bengaluru, Our honorable Governor of Karnataka, Shri. Thawar Chand Gehlot awarded the 2022-23 SSLC toppers - Ms. Varshitha, Ms. Tejaswini and Ms. Tanuja on 10th of September 2023.
The academic year started with the TALENTIA program where all the students participated in various events showcasing their talent. This was followed by STUDCO elections which was conducted on 06.07.2023. Sash and badges were conferred to the elected leaders during the Investiture ceremony. KARGIL VIJAY DIWAS was celebrated by grade 10 students depicting the victory of the Indian armed forces in the Kargil War fought against Pakistan. To celebrate the birth anniversary of Sir. M. Visvesvaraya and to recognise the contributions made by the Engineers in the field of science and technology, ENGINEERS DAY celebration was celebrated as Science exhibition day. To remember and rejoice the day when the formation of the state of Karnataka, by merger of all Kannada-speaking regions of South India, KANNADA RAJYOTSAVA is celebrated on every Nov 1st at KLE-BRGS.
New age technology for learning and teaching at KLE-BRGS:
Interactive panels are installed in the school and Tata Class Edge, an e-learning curriculum and technology solutions is introduced for better learning and teaching. In collaboration with Era Foundation, a psychometric assessment and career counselling called MARG was conducted for grade 9 and 10 students. One on one session with students and parents was conducted by the Marg counselling team to help the child to choose the best career suitable for them. Newspapers and magazines are made available in school for updating oneself with current affairs and to enjoy the joy of reading in print. Ei ASSET exams are conducted every year enhancing students' learning outcome, powered by in-depth pedagogical research and data-driven educational technology. DeepGrade AI powered learning and grading platform was introduced to grade 9 & 10 for evaluating both handwritten and digital content and identifying learning gaps and improving learning efficiency.
ACTiZEN an initiative by Desh Apnayen:
A Caring Citizen Club was introduced to grades 6, 7 & 8 students, which aims to introduce innovative and experiential civics education learning programs in schools and creating actizen's clubs with the students to help them become engaged citizens who make the democracy strong. Students were given opportunities to learn through research, role play, game-based learning, art-based, etc., based on the themes of Democracy, Values, Government, Citizenship, etc.
Workshop by MAP:
The Museum of Art & Photography, Bangalore conducted school oriented workshops to grade 9 students. Physical workshops were conducted that aroused curiosity and imagination among students and encouraged them to engage with art in all manner of capacities. Students realized that learning with the arts can be very enjoyable and meaningful in the two months session conducted in the School. By including activities such as games, conversations, and DIY exercises, Map Bangalore ensured a structured yet fun learning experience for students. Students are enriched with out-of-classroom experience on their visit to the MAP museum – an excursion they all enjoyed!
"Your degree is just a piece of paper
Your education is seen in the way you treat others"
Our PUI students visited Doddabele Government School to understand and learn the concept of Giving back to the community which they learnt from a lesson on Babar Ali in their English textbook. Students were given notebooks and stationery collected by PU students. Saplings were planted in the school campus and their benefits were explained, Craft, Vachana, Story Telling in English and Mental Math was taught to the Primary students and the day was ended with a dance on Clean Hands, Save Lives concept by the PU students.
Vachana Recitation, Essay Writing, Drawing, Mehendi Competitions were conducted as Continuous And Comprehensive Evaluation Competitions every month. Postcards were written by all the students to their loved ones on the account of International Literacy Day celebrated on 08/09/2023. Students were shown the landing of Chandrayana -3 and explained the process. Festivals like Varamahalakshmi, Krishna Janmashtami, Gowri & Ganesha Chaturthi, Dasara, Deepawali, Sankranti, Ugadi, Mahashivaratri, Saraswati Pooja, Basava Jayanti etc., are celebrated at KLE-BRGS as we believe that young girls need a relevant, holistic and value-based education. Shlokas and Vachana recitation is done every day evening at 6.00 to 6.30 to keep our students connected with roots.
Teachers support students to navigate puberty with safety and dignity by providing scientific, clear and relevant information as well by having respectful discussions with them on their fears, their doubts and dilemmas and were also helped to build natural confidence, polished communication and smart personality. DPT and TD vaccinations were given to the students of Grades 1, 5 &10 by the Public Health Centre during the month of August 2023. A workshop was conducted on the topic ‘Self Grooming’ by the Resource Person, Ms. Deepa Holimath to Grades 7 to PUII students on 23/09/2023.
1) CLEAN HANDS, SAVE LIVES - A Guinness World Record attempt campaign initiated by BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital and Rotary Bengaluru Gnanakshi & Rotary International District 3191.
2) On account of National Sports day today, an Intra-school Inter-house Table-tennis, Football and Cricket competitions were held on 29.08.2023 at KLE-BRGS.
3) Ms. Sharanya of grade 8 from has secured first place in State Kickboxing Championship-2023 held at Gymnasium Hall, Sports pavilion, Mysore University, Mysore and has been selected for national level Kickboxing Championship at Ranchi, ZARKAND.
4) KLE-BRGS students won the state level KARATE championship conducted at Tarikere on 3rd September, 2023 and got selected to the National level competition to be held at Hyderabad on 10th December, 2023. Winners names are as follows:
1. Ms. Sharanya: GOLD in KATA and KUMITE
2. Ms. Nisha. P: GOLD in KATA and SILVER in KUMITE
3. Ms. Anushka: SLIVER in KATA and GOLD in KUMITE
4. Ms. Vrindha: BRONZE in KATA and KUMITE
5. Ms. Kavani: SLIVER in KATA and KUMITE
6. Ms. Thirtha: BRONZE in KATA and KUMITE
7. Ms. Nayana: GOLD in KATA and SILVER in KUMITE
8. Ms. Lakshmi: BRONZE in KATA and KUMITE
5) KLE Basava Girls PU College students bagged multiple prizes in the Inter-College competitions conducted on 8th September, 2023.
1. Cooking without fire
· 1st Place to Ms. Harshitha P and Ms. Shrusti of PUII,won cash prize: ₹5000/-
· 2nd Place to Ms. Apoorva and Ms. Supriya of PUII, won cash prize ₹3000/-
2. 2nd Place in Tug of war - PUI&II students, won cash prize ₹2000/-
3. 2nd Place in Dance - PUI&II students, won cash prize ₹7000/-
4. 2nd place in photography to Ms. R. Sivaprasadhini PUII,won cash prize ₹2000/-
Inter school Sports Competition Primary and high school was conducted in the month of August.
1. Several faculty development programs were conducted for teachers at School on topics like voice modulation, hand gestures, class monitoring, lesson plan writing, how to make subjects more interesting etc. during Summer and Dasara Holidays.
2. Workshops was conducted to teachers of Grades 9 and 10 by Ms. Kruthika Goeal from DeepGrade on AI powered learning and grading platform for evaluating digital content and identifying learning gaps and improving learning efficiency on 13.04.2023.
3. Onsite training was conducted to teachers on how to use the interactive panel for day to day teaching on12/09/2023
4. Tata ClassEdge Teachers Training was conducted by Facilitator, Mr. Neil Vincent on e-learning curriculum and technology solutions for better learning and teaching on 17.10.2023
5. Workshop was conducted by the Educator,Ms. Bhavana Sunil to all the Staff and Teachers of KLE-BRGS on Balance between IQ & EQ on 25.10.2023
6. Curriculum based workshop was conducted by Orient Blackswan at KLE Rajajinagar on 29.04.2023 for Grades 1 to 4 Math teachers
7. Self-grooming workshop was conducted at KLE Rajajinagar on the topic - Makeup as daily essential for educators on 23.05.2023 to all the teachers
8. Workshop was conducted to Hindi teachers on the topic New Education Policy& Hindi Grammar on 02.06.2023 by New Saraswati House at KLE Rajajinagar
9. Workshop was conducted to Hindi teachers on New Education Policy and Hindi teaching on 18.08.2023 at Madhubun Educational books, Gandhi Nagar
National seminar was conducted to PU Commerce Lecturers at KLE Rajajinagar on the topic - Growing infrastructure - A Key to Transforming Indian Economy on 30.03.23 & 31.03.2023
Ms. Latha Mallikarjun