Background Of KLE Society

Education is the progressive discovery of our ignorance; it is a concept that has been off-late echoed loudly (by electronic and print media). This has been however not only conceived but achieved at the Karnataka Lingayat Education Society, Belgaum over a century ago, when seven teachers laid the foundation stone of the first Anglo-Indian school in the year 1916, with the objective of imparting education among the farming community in North Karnataka. The institution is the result of the blood, sweat and tears of an inspired team of noble young men fondly remembered as the 'Saptharishis'. The mission of the founders is pursued with the same zeal even after 105 years. With a strong network of over 270 educational institutions & health care services spread across not only Karnataka, but parts of Maharashtra, New Delhi, and even in Dubai (Bilva International School) which run on philosophical triad of philanthropy, service and sacrifice.
To give an edge and to promote comprehensive education, the society has employed over 16,000 Faculty committed to academic excellence and has over 1,10,262 students on roll. The K.L.E Society, today stands unmatched in the field of education due to its continuous effort for innovative teaching methods which has led to the demand for admissions right from Kindergarten to Post Graduate studies. The collaborations with universities in the US, UK and Malaysia have added a whole new dimension to the K.L.E Society at an International level as well making it on par with reputed educational institutions worldwide, under the able Charimanship of Dr. Prabhakar Kore, who has been serving since 1985.